Our Promise to You

Why are we so passionate about human intellect?

People are Important

We admire diversity, desire to see individuals for who they are, and hear the stories that shape their lives

Scientifically Explained

We've explored a lot of ways to understand people, and neuroscience showed us so many ways we were wrong about people

Personal Experience

Observing intellectual diversity has dramatically impacted our personal relationships and professional pursuits

Taking Care of Yourself

Here's how we think about our needs so that we can live into life expansion

The Pyramid

Unmet Relationship Needs

Finding the source of what's agitating your relationship

Deeply Connecting

Taking the Reins

Kids grow up. They want to live their lives. And we want them to do it.

Changing Roles

A Fresh Look at Emotions

Yes, emotions are messy, but they are also an important component for us to communicate within relationships

Emotional Literacy

Professional Alignment

Intellectual diversity aligns your professional pursuits and gives you traction

Making Adjustments

Emotional Health & The Pandemic

Beyond the physical threats from the COVID virus, experts are watching alarming trends around emotional health

Relational Implications

Applying Intellectual Diversity

Our favorite ways to apply this knowledge is investing in connected relationships & smart collaboration

You Choose

Strategy vs Culture vs Talent

Which team has the competitive advantage?

Who Wins?


This awareness is powerful, and you have a responsibility to use it with grace and compassion

Be Safe

Serving People

We originally were referred to this technology because of our consulting & coaching practices. We were told our impact would expand if we could see intellectual diversity, and intellectual diversity has delivered on it's promise.

The Network

Historical Context

We've taken a closer look at psychology's attempt to make sense of humans over the past one hundred years, focusing mostly on the neuroscience breakthroughs that the functional MRI brought us

An Innovative Era

Making Sense of Psychometrics

The internet made it easy for behavioral psychologists to distribute free assessments that probe various human behaviors

Quick Summary

Reading that inspires our work

We've cataloged the most influential books that have tapped into human intellect and shaped how we see people

Book Lovers

Looking Back at a Century of Psychology

A lot of people have dedicated their lives to understanding the human mind, and when we put the individual pieces together into a single story, it makes a lot of sense

The Titans

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