Get Scanned

Lawrence Andre

When I was introduced to Marcus Harwood in 2015, I was told I had to see what he created. I begrudgingly agreed to take the meeting at my friend Jerry's request. 

Wow! I was immediately blown away at the technology he created to build teams inside companies. I rebuilt my consulting practice around this technology.

Sara then convinced me to extend it to individuals. I've experienced deep pain from relationship failure that will forever mark my life. My agony, and the people who loved on me, strengthened my passion for relationship.

What Marcus created for the business world changes the way we see people in personal relationships. It helped me more deeply understand others, hear their stories, and love people.

Sara Lawrence

I found the Intellect Scan a few years into my coaching practice. At first, I struggled to see that it showed us anything distinctly different about human behavior.

Looking back, I was skeptical and had the mindset that it didn't matter what you used to measure human behavior, any of it would increase your awareness and help you with desired changes. I couldn't have been more wrong. I eventually realized we had a huge opportunity to impact people.

Not only has it changed the way I served people, it's completely changed the way I see the people I love the most.

Our Core Beliefs

We created experiences to address the unmet relationship needs in our lives. And as they worked for us, we opened the doors for others. Here are three core beliefs that drove us. We seek to impact personal relationships and professional collaboration. We get there by understanding human behavior, not labeling people.

We believe every person 
has traits they were born with &
are also shaped by life experiences

Nature + Nurture

We believe there is an 
intelligent design to humans
that helps explain who we are

Intelligent Design

We believe the brain is
a supercomputer designed to
support complex social networks

A Relational Brain

Working With Us

The first step is to get scanned.

The $300 cost covers the licensing fee for using the technology, and the data will guide how we serve you and drive impact.Â